Saturday, May 2, 2009

I've been to the Doctor's and following up on my cholesterol levels I'm still in the high numbers. Its frustrating especially knowing that I've made some changes (I thought anyways) to my lifestyle. 1) I don't work 3rd shift 2) I am exercising at the gym (maybe need to get there more often) 3) been trying to watch what I eat and eat less in portions
But alas, it still isn't adding up to lowering my cholesterol. Family history is a bit against me as Dad has had a quad-bypass, and Grandma H. has had similar issues with her heart. So I'm unfortunately going on the same path and I'm really trying to turn it off course! The diet my DR suggested is the Mediterranean Diet and I posted this picture of a pyramid. I also added some garlic pills and cinnamon pills as they are both good in this department of need. Something needs to work. I've taken the fish oil pills and frankly, I think they suck! I really should take up eating fish a few times a I never did like fish/seafood in my childhood, I do feel like I need to grow and expand my food choices if I'm going to get past this health dilemma. I am losing weight in all of this, which has been my goal for a long time.
Logan has reached losing 100lbs. His nutritionist said that he's off the charts compared to others when it comes to the ratio of how much lost in the time frame. This is just going so awesome. So many life changes for Logan, it's been the best thing! A renewal of life and change of the quality of living for all of us!! He's able to do soooo much that has made all of us so happy and certainly a good boost of self-esteem! I can't tell you in words how much it has changed life for us!
The kids are no longer worried for Logan and there have been less panic attacks and less fear all around. That calls for some cheers for sure, and its funny how some things have changed since the changes; I can now see clearly as to why things were the way they were.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Hey there- I was reading this post and decided to share my thoughts. You should take a look at the "deceptively delicious" cook book. I love it! You make purees out of all the veggies you can think of and you add it into your food instead of maybe adding other things that would make is less healthy. Or for things that need eggs- I try to use egg whites instead and that reduces cholesterol. Or if you're wanting burgers- instead of using beef- use ground turkey (it's way cheaper too!) just season it and it still tastes great. We hardly ever buy beef. I think we buy it maaaybe once or twice a year.
Eating hot cereals (i.e. oatmeal or even a mixed cornmeal)will make you feel more full through the day and are very healthy for you w/ a side of fruit. Snacks like yogurt, fruit or veggies are best. If you're wanting something hardier- pick up the 100 calorie packs of crackers and only eat one. Sorry... this is just something i've been working on myself and it works really well. I had a meeting w/ a personal trainer a few weeks ago and she told me that I should stick to right around 1300 calories if I want to lose weight (and the number is a little lower than average b/c I am shorter) but it's working and i'm losing weight and getting back to where I want to be. All losing weight is is calories in - calories out. However, it is much easier said than done.