I have a bit more information. I had some lab work done and they found my blood sugar was high after fasting for 12hours (I should have asked for my number seeing I'm in nursing and know a bit about this stuff, duh!). The doctor wants to see me early next week to talk about medications. I was directed that I'm to start eating low carb, sugar free foods, and I'm told also to take fish oil pills (oh that sounds gross)next they'll be telling me to take shark cartilage (gag).
Okay are you thinking what I'm thinking: High blood sugar on a fast, sugar free/low carb diet, hmmmm something tells me I've got diabetes. But however this isn't exactly what they have told me YET but this is what I'm almost sure of! My leg isn't hurting so much as before, if at all, weird... I'm certainly disappointed of the clues that point in that direction. I walk about 4miles a week or more but with my leg bothering me its been a bit painful to exercise, and being tired, it doesn't help to want to get going. That's all.
P.S. here is a picture of me at England's Hever Castle around in the garden
One more thing there is no correlation of my left leg being up in this picture I posted to the pain I've been feeling, but interesting how I picked such a picture for the subject matter, yep strange!! I'll have more facts after I see the doctor next week!
Hey there- hope all goes well with the doctor. Keep us informed.
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