Well do you want to hear the good news or the bad news first?
Well the GOOD News is (lets start out positive) Mertz had a birthday party on Saturday which he only wanted boys who knew each other, (excluding cousins) from his class (sorry fam) with the exception of a girl he likes to call her by some other name (no not girlfriend) oh it slipped my mind for a minute, "Colt" he calls her. It was a successful birthday party, small as far as who came vs. how many he invited but it was as the kids who came who said "the best birthday party they've ever been to!" WOW!! Thanks for THAT! The theme was based on his now beloved game, POKEMON. We played a Pokemon Bingo Game that was a huge hit (I made the game myself) we had a Pokemon match game, and another game really without a name but we had prizes and much fun!! Alina was at her friend's house doing GIRLY stuff in the meantime, where she and her friend did manecures, makeup and pedicures and so on. It was a perfect day on Saturday Mertz got what he wanted (no sister) and Alina got what she wanted (NO brother)time with her friend!! Sunday Alina had her friend come with us to church the girl is really interested in coming every Sunday so that's nice! Monday was the day where the BAD NEWs comes. Logan was off to work and never showed up! I, for the first time wasn't worried, it was odd cause normally I would have worried, but his work called me three times and I thought he should have been there by now...maybe, I was thinking to myself, he stopped for a bite to eat or something harmless like that....but no....our Van caught on fire on the way up to Manchester, in Merrimack on the highway!!!! It was not a long lasting fire, however our van is S.O.L. or can I say TOAST!! What a catastrophie when I heard the news. The fire really didn't last long however it caused the engine and all sorts of underneath stuff to go in an unworking conditon, the body and interior went unharmed....What a F-n shame!! We're really blessed though that nobody was hurt, except Logan's back took a beating cause he had to walk home for 5miles--he didn't have the cell phone, and don't ask me why the heck he didn't stop to use a phone in a business on the way????....."dummy" or "too proud" is alll I have to say about that. So we have no working vehicle right now, and we have two cars but they are both in unregistered, and unworking condition. So walking for me has increased, getting rides to work and so forth have been needed, and my shopping has slowed! Life has got to get better than this!!!!!! The one car we may have fixed is so small it barely fits anything in it!! We really need a van/Truck with the loads of equiptment Logan hulls around or things I need to take out of storage or put in storage....ULLLLL! Frustrated is an understatement!
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