I have come to the blog site to share with you, if interested, some very exciting videos that have enlightened me. I just have to say I love science! I love the new things we can learn each day from it! I remember once, a very long time ago, in an evening before bed, we may have just got done watching a sci-fi Maybe "The Last Starfighter" and the discussion was brought up that outerspace goes on and on forever and what if life is 'all just a dream?' said Dad, and this may have also been said; that we aren't really who and what we think we are. That freaked me out and really warped (not in a bad way, however) my ideas of what reality is in thinking like that....and here it is, life is what we create in a very big sense by way of the ideas brought up in the successive videos all in what we know in quantum Physics. I find this extremely deeply interesting, and that we all have our own perceptions. That was another conversation I remember with Dad too was maybe you don't 'see' some other things around us in the world; in life, the same or even not understand (fill in the blank) and not "see" it physically any part of it, even at all, even when it is right in front of our face! Maybe this will interest you as it does me and start a dialogue of sorts...
What the Bleep do we kNow? Part 1 of Many
"What the bleep do we know: Down the Rabbit Hole (part1)"
"The Reality as you Know it does not exist"
"Tour through reality"
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