Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Though I have no internet connection from my home, I have other ways to get on the internet to post my blogs.
I had a great time with the family at the get-together/reunion last weekend. I had a chance to talk to each of the attending adults present, which I don't think that has ever happened! I couldn't believe it! I typically feel left out in most gatherings and may not come across as wanting to chat, which is most incorrect, in fact I like joining in conversations if I do have something to say, or have some knowledge on the subject or whatever.
I will have been married to Logan for 12 years this weekend! How time flies! Having a family like ours is a beautiful creation and a special gift that I treasure and love with all my heart! Logan is such a hilarious, jovial husband who makes me laugh a lot! Mertz is a smart, sharp young boy and is a great friend to all who know him. Alina is full of boldness and tell-it-like-it-is, just like her Pa! I love 'em and forever mine will be!

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